At Neo Vida Media Inc. we know that finding a cheap, reliable web host is not a simple task. We pride ourselves in our commitment to our customers and want to make sure they make the right decision regarding their website hosting. We recognize the fact that there are countless other website hosting companies, but we feel as though we have an advantage because of the size of our company. Unlike most of our competition we are happy to announce that we do not host hundreds of thousands of websites. That means that the websites we host, and their clients, receive that much more attention. Website hosting is available to our website design clients and non-clients alike. Our server is part of the Host Gator server bank, and is therefor professionally situated and maintained. All of our website hosting packages include cPanel and its multitudes of pre-installed features including email administration tools, website traffic statistics tools, database creation and management tools, and backup creation tools. Plenty of other features are included!
Website hosting can be a little confusing, or a little bit technical. If you would like to discuss your needs and our capabilities, and would like our feedback or some technical specifications, please contact us and we will answer your questions to the best of our ability.
This website hosting package works great for single domain projects that are not video intensive -- fantastic for HTML websites, Wordpress blogs, etc.
This package is great for all who require up to three domain names -- plenty of file space and bandwidth is included. This is our most popular plan.
This top of the line hosting package that hosts limitless domains and offers the most file space and transfer bandwidth for those larger websites or multiple projects.
* Please note that in order to register and set up your website hosting plan, you will be re-directed to our Neo Via Media Hosting website,
cPanel Hosting Platform
cPanel is standard with all of our hosting plans. It lets you easily manage many aspects of your account, including the files, applications, and email hosted on your account or server.
Unlimited Email Accounts
Easily create numerous email accounts for your domain. Intuitive interface allows for email forwarding, inbox limits, and allows your email to be accessible on all your digital devices.
100's of Free Templates
Your hosting plan includes hundreds of free website templates as part of the package. Choose your template from many categories such as medical, construction, retail, and many more.
Database Ready
All hosting packages include the latest stable version of MySQL, phpMyAdmin and PHP. Backwards compatible versions of PHP are also included, and can be easily selected.